OMG this day could not come quick enough. Lockdown has been long and hard for everyone, and I have missed getting in my studio and being creative.
Well at last the wait is over , the COVID19 lockdown restrictions have lifted, and it’s back to work. I spent hours cleaning and sanitizing the studio, making sure that I take every precaution I can to keep myself and my clients safe.
My first session back was a first birthday Cake Smash for baby Ollie who turned one in May. I have been so lucky that all of my clients have stayed with me and patiently waited for me to reopen and for that I am truly grateful.
I last saw Ollie’s family for big brother Joshua’s first birthday Cake Smash 2yrs ago. I was really struck by what a little charmer Joshua was and Ollie is no different. I was apprehensive about how Ollie would react to the face mask but luckily his grandparents have been wearing face masks around him so he wasn’t phased at all and treated me to some gorgeous smiles.
My diary for July is already full, and due to all the added precautions I am limiting how many sessions I do each week. So if you would like to book in between now and December I recommend getting in contact in plenty of time.
More information on my Cake Smash sessions can be found here.
Giant cupcake made by Sweet Creation Ltd.