Introducing Miss Ada – aka unicorn baby.
I always allow up to 4hrs for my newborn photoshoots as there is generally lots of feeding & settling needed during the session. However, every now & then I get what I call a unicorn baby & the beautiful Ada is one of those.
A unicorn baby arrives asleep & just doesn’t really wake up for the whole session & goes home asleep. These babies are very rare but are an absolute treat when they come to the studio.
Not only was Ada an absolute dream to work with but she brought along big sister Dorothy who was as beautiful as she was sweet. I could have spent all day with this lovely family but in fact we were all finished in just 2hrs.
My diary for newborns is almost full for the remainder of this year & my 2024 diary is already booking up. If you are due a baby, do drop me a message to secure your place in my diary before it’s too late.