Introducing Little Mr Chilled.
I had the pleasure of meeting baby Jacob when he was just 5 days new and for such a young baby he was incredibly chilled out. As you can see from his sneak peek below he still has that amazing curliness and in fact wasn’t keen on being stretched out.
Even when awake he was very relaxed and happy to look into my camera, giving me some amazing awake baby photos as well as some gorgeous sleepy ones.
This bowl is probably my most requested prop and it’s no surprise as it is simply divine and the perfect shape for snuggling a baby into. Anyone who has been to my studio will recognise it as I photographed my own baby in it and have a large framed print in the hall.
My diary for newborn babies is filling up fast. May is now fully booked and I have limited availability in August, September, October and November. If you are expecting a baby this year do drop me a message to secure your place in my diary.