Well after 3 weekends and meeting over 50 families my Christmas Mini Sessions have finally come to an end for 2021.
I was simply blown away this year with my sessions selling out in record time – one date sold out in 15mins flat! This year my sessions and images have been my most magical to date with three beautiful set-ups and three gorgeous digital backdrops to choose from.
Of course my neighbours thought I was going bonkers with Christmas decorations up and Christmas music playing from mid-October but I just love it, and seeing the look on the children’s faces is worth it.
It has been wonderful to meet so many new faces and even nicer to welcome some familiar ones. I especially love seeing those families for whom coming to their Christmas Mini Session is now a family tradition and it’s so special to see how the little ones are growing each year.
I start advertising my sessions in July with sessions going on sale late July/early August. However if this year is anything to go by you have to be quick to grab your place.
With all the editing done and images all sent out I guess it’s now time to get planning my Christmas 2022 sessions!